Birth Education Portal

 Classes & The Nourished Waters Birth Portal & App

Online courses, resources, and community forum available on my app Nourished Waters Birth Portal. Find it on the Mighty Networks app, or at

This portal contains everything you could need or want to know about the birth continuum, including Free classes, written resources, and paid memberships on:

Prenatal preparation

Choosing a birth attendant and creating a birth plan

Deciding if unassisted birth is for you, and tools for preparing if you do

Empowered, physiologic birth

Emergency skills- a great resource for emergencies when you’re alone for any reason, including planned Free Birth

Homeopathy and herbalism for birth and beyond

Postpartum care

Newborn care

Belly binding 101 & Rebozo skills

Workouts and practices to prepare and heal from birth, from the perspective of pelvic floor wellness and my immense wealth of knowledge as a bodyworker and postpartum corrective exercise specialist. (learn more about my work on my Massage pages HERE)

Meditations to get in the birth zone, cope postpartum, and so on


Father/Birth Partner’s role and preparation

As well as community forum social media style, to discuss all things prenatal, birth, postpartum, parenting and beyond…

And ongoing content… including Podcast episodes

I am REALLY excited to bring all of this incredible content to you, AND the community forum for you all to learn from one another and deepen the conversation.

And …Stay up to date on local classes offered HERE

Courses offered include:

Rebozo skills for pregnancy, birth & postpartum Course

Nourishing Waters Empowered Birthing Course (for women and men)

Fatherhood/Partners and Empowered Birth Course for men/male/father identified people or female partners of the birthing person!

The Sacred Window- First 40 Days Postpartum Care Course for birthing families

Maidenhood Classes and Initiations/Rites for girls age 10-18, with an amazing Girl’s Maiden to Menarche Initiation camp coming Summer 2024! Stay tuned by signing up for my email list.